Display Abstract

Title Extinction of solutions for higher order parabolic equations with double nonlinearity

Name Kateryna Stiepanova
Country Ukraine
Email kitti_dob@rambler.ru
Submit Time 2014-03-28 08:12:29
The poster is devoted to the behavior of energy (generalized) solutions for a wide class of nonlinear higher order parabolic equations. We investigate the Cauchy-Dirichlet problem for parabolic equations with nonlinear homogeneous principal part and degenerate nonlinear absorption potential. The main focus of our study is the long-time extinction effect of solutions. Modifying the semi-classical technic of \cite{BelaudShishkov}, we find sufficient conditions for the extinction of solutions to the mentioned problem above. \bibitem {BelaudShishkov} Y. Belaud, A. Shishkov, Extinction of solutions of some semilinear higher order parabolic equations with degenerate absorption potential, \emph{Journal of Differential Equations}, {\bf 10}, (2010), N~4, p. 857--882.