2014 Madrid, Spain

Guidelines for the Proceedings of the 10th AIMS Conference at Madrid

The proceedings of the 10th AIMS Conference at Madrid will be published in 2015, as AIMS Proceedings. All submissions must be original research and will go through a rigoruous refereeing process. Summary/Survey articles will not be considered. Final form of accepted papers must be in the proceedings' template (AIMS journals template), which is available at http://aimsciences.org/journals/Tex_prep.htm.

  • Editors: Manuel de Leon, Wei Feng, Zhaosheng Feng, Julian Lopez-Gomez, Xin Lu, J.M. Martell, Javier Parcet, Daniel Peralta-Salas and Weihua Ruan.
  • Submissions start on July 15, 2014 and end on September 15, 2014. Please submit your paper through OES (Online Editorial System) at http://www.aimsciences.org/oes/index.jsp. You need to regirster as an author first if you have not done so and choose "AIMS Proceedings" in the list of AIMS journals.
  • Each paid participant may submit only one paper.
  • Page limit is 10 pages and additional pages will be charged at $100 per page.

Questions and correspondence should be e-mailed to Dr. Xin Lu at lux@uncw.edu , or write to:

Dr. Xin Lu
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
University of North Carolina Wilmington
Wilmington, NC 28403, U.S.A.

Conference Publications

AIMS organizes, biennially, an international conference on dynamical systems, differential equations and applications. This conference series has developed into a prime event in the fields. To record each conference, an AIMS proceedings is published. All submitted papers are rigorously reviewed, followed by a careful selection process. The following listed proceedings may be purchased as books.

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