Peter D. Lax

A special issue of Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A (DCDS-A) will be available at the conference in honor of Peter D. Lax on the occasion of his ninetieth birthday. Michael Ghil, a Plenary Speaker at the conference and former student of Dr. Lax, has written a special profile relating his personal experiences with Dr. Lax and honoring Dr. Lax's contributions to the field of Mathematics. Click here to view it.



Plenary Speaker Profiles

The AIMS Conference is a biennial event since 1996 and has since become the most participated international conference in analysis, differential equations, dynamical systems, and applications, culminating at its 10th conference at Madrid (July 2014) with 2,500 mathematicians and scientists participating. Many of the most world-renown mathematicians have given keynote addresses in the AIMS conferences.


In a series of posting, we are profiling the Plenary Speakers in the AIMS conferences.


Stanley Osher

Professor Stanley Osher, a member of the National Academy of Science and known for his many contributions in shock capturing, level set methods, and PDE-based methods in computer vision and image processing, is a professor at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Osher has been a thesis advisor for at least 40 PhD students, as well as postdoctoral adviser and collaborator for many applied mathematicians.


Osher has received many prestigious awards, including Carl Friedrich Gauss Prize, 2014. Details are at


Osher will be a Plenary Speaker at the 11th AIMS conference at Orlando (July 1-5, 2016). Details are at